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Trip ideas

9 American habits I gave up when I moved to Europe

Driving Now I live in a walkable city with great public transport and bike-paths. Wearing shoes in the house It still takes me a few days to...

Top 9 Best hostels and hotels in Vietnam

Mui Ne Backpacker Village, Mui Ne instagram / zuzushenka Graceful Hotel, Sapa instagram /_vs92 Hanoi Backpackers' Hostel, Hanoi instagram / amatteny Junk Boat, Halong Bay instagram / siamhut Huenino Hotel, Hue instagram /...

Top 11 Sexiest Countries for Backpacking

 Sweden Brazil   USA Australia   Vietnam Colombia Spain Thailand Italy   Latvia   Russia
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Travel guides

Best 10 hangover cures for a backpacker or just about anybody

Drink Have sex Swim Visit a pet store to cuddle the puppies Eat Medicate Sleep Exercise Watch movies Call home

Hostel Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts

              instagram / meesha_808Don't have sex or masturbate on a bunk bed or in a shared room. We all...

Best meat pie in Wellington

    I love a good meat pie. In my travels I have tried pastries of all sorts from pain au chocolat in finest patisseries of...
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